Monday, March 30, 2009

I smell a skunk

Here is Rocco finding other useful ways to use his potty seat.
Rocco doesn't like his diaper changed anymore. So he thinks that one way he can get around me smelling that oh so yucky diaper smell is by letting me know that 'he smells a skunk'
  Maybe this way Mommy won't change the diaper.
I can hear Rocco right now in his room telling me 'he smells a skunk'
and yup...I smell a skunk now too

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I am right here mommy....

Dear you got your hair cut. I just  love it so much. But now you look like a little boy to me. You even have the little boy war wounds to go with your new grown up look. 
As you were getting your hair cut I said..out loud, "where did my baby go??"
and you quietly the hair lady cut away...
"I am right here mommy"

Monday, March 16, 2009


Tonight we are sitting down to a feast of Han-mer-grs. I have come to grips that less on the option menu is long as it gets eaten. 
Rocco calls vegi Hamburgers...Han-mer-grs. 
I call a Hamburger best when it is covered with raw onions... and mustard onions seem to have grown a interesting plant in the dark. I wonder if I plant this if I will get a head start on my gardening this year??? 
I guess it is just Han-mergers with Mustard tonight.

the washing of the Truck

Peak a I am
Betta make sure those tires shine!
scruba dub the roof!
This is my ride...lets GO!

Vitamin D

Here we are still with grounds covered with snow in March.. But when I LOOK into these BIG BROWN eyes... My day warms up and I think NOTHING can be so bad, not even the cold and damp outside will bum me out when I get to hang with my boy.
Rocco decided to take advantage of the warmth to wash his black truck. Inside and out.
I decided to take advantage of the 20 minutes of sunshine to cut back my pots of the damaged plants weighed down by the endless snow this year.

Monday, March 9, 2009

My little superhero

Here is my little super hero..Yaya made Rocco a cape that he has decided to wear more than not. Even to bed. The other night I had to remove the cape while he slept as it was almost choking him.
 The super hero of choice these days is Batman when the cape is on and Spiderman while he is running around without a cape. It is then he is shooting imaginary webs out of his arms at me.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My little family

well I thought it was time to get on the bandwagon and start my own blog of my little family. 
Rocco just arrived home to me from a few days with his dad so I won't be posting anything tonite..but hey, it is a start at least.
More later....